I am trying to come up with a way to accumulate the rotation of a SKNode. For example, if a node is rolling down a hill (circular physics body), I want to know how many rotations it has made, or an accumulated angle. I will need it to increment when rotating one way and decrement the other.
I have thought of keeping track of the node's zRotation and on every update updating a count when it passes over from >0 to <0, but that seems hacky since I have to come up with some sort of range to check and it can miss a rotation from either a fast spinning node or low frame rate.
any advice would be awesome!
edit: this is my solution, it works perfectly for my purposes
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
//get CurrentAngle (-pi to pi)
float currentAngle = _wheelSprite.zRotation;
if (currentAngle<0) {
//change angle format (0 to M_PI*2)
//calculate angle change
float change = currentAngle - _lastAngle;
if (change>M_PI) {
}else if (change<-M_PI){
//update last angle
_lastAngle = currentAngle;
//update actualWheelAngle
_actualWheelAngle += change;
What I would do is create a variable that gets incremented/decremented with the zRotation
change each frame. Then dividing that value by 360 would give you the amount of rotations.