I have a tikz picture with a circle node which has a number inside. I want this number to change with the slides but to be of fixed size. (-> not mess up the circle).
This one isn't working, the circle gets as big as if it has to hold all 3 numbers.
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base] (node1)
\only<1-3>{3} \only<4-6>{8} \only<7->{11.5}
Here the values are 3 on slides 1-3, 8 on slides 4-6 and else 7.
I observed the following:
To conclude, this works for me (I tried it):
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle,anchor=base,text width=4ex,text centered,inner sep=0] (node1)
EDIT: This works with the correct baseline:
\node [fill=blue!20,draw,circle] (node1)