EDIT: the command substitution is not necessary for the surprising behavior, although it is the most common use case. The same question applies to just echo "'!b'"
# Enable history substitution.
# This option is on by default on interactive shells.
set -H
echo '!b'
# Output: '!b'
# OK. Escaped by single quotes.
echo $(echo '!b')
# Output: '!b'
# OK. Escaped by single quotes.
echo "$(echo '$b')"
# Output: '$b'
# OK. Escaped by single quotes.
echo "$(echo '!b')"
# Output: history expands
# BAD!! WHY??
?echo "$(echo '$b')"
was? What is the difference between !
and $
?echo $(echo '!b')
(no quotes) work? (pointed by @MBlanc).I would prefer to do this without:
set +H
as I would need set -H
afterwards to maintain shell state
backslash escapes, because I need one for every !
and it has to be outside the quotes:
echo "$(echo '\!a')"
# '\!a'.
# No good.
echo "$(echo 'a '\!' b '\!' c')"
# a ! b ! c
# Good, but verbose.
echo $(echo '!b')
(no quotes), because the command could return spaces.
bash --version | head -n1
# GNU bash, version 4.2.25(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
In your last example,
echo "$(echo '!b')"
the exclamation point is not single-quoted. Because history expansion occurs so early in the parsing process, the single quotes are just part of the double-quoted string; the parser hasn't recognized the command substitution yet to establish a new context where the single quotes would be quoting operators.
To fix, you'll have to temporarily turn off history expansion:
set +H
echo "$(echo '!b')"
set -H