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Dragging popup window in Android

I had to create a popup window which is a square (400dp height and 400dp width). Now I want to drag it when I tap a button which is positioned on the top left of the popup. I set onTouch() on the layout which is placed on the popup and this is the code I use in order to drag it:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    int eventAction = event.getAction();

    switch (eventAction) {
        case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: // Drag event

            xRow = (int) event.getRawX() - rootView.getWidth();
            yRow = (int) event.getRawY() - rootView.getHeight();             

            /* Updates the position of the popup on the screen */
            update(xRow, yRow, -1, -1);

    return true;

The problem is that this seems to work only for Nexus 7. On a tablet of 10 inch, it is not working properly. When I drag it on the larger tablet, there is a space between my finger and popup. So I assume that the units of measurement I use are not the right ones. I have tried to use the Metrics but no success.


  • Laura, try this (place it in onCreate):

        final View cv = new View(this);
        TextView tv = new TextView(this);
        tv.setText("click me\nthen drag me");
        tv.setPadding(8, 8, 8, 8);
        mPopup = new PopupWindow(tv, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
        OnTouchListener otl = new OnTouchListener() {
            private float mDx;
            private float mDy;
            public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
                int action = event.getAction();
                if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
                    mDx = mCurrentX - event.getRawX();
                    mDy = mCurrentY - event.getRawY();
                } else
                if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE) {
                    mCurrentX = (int) (event.getRawX() + mDx);
                    mCurrentY = (int) (event.getRawY() + mDy);
                    mPopup.update(mCurrentX, mCurrentY, -1, -1);
                return true;
        mCurrentX = 20;
        mCurrentY = 50; Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                mPopup.showAtLocation(cv, Gravity.NO_GRAVITY, mCurrentX, mCurrentY);