I have the following data and trying to plot using hPlot
hPlot(Numbers~Date, data = df, group='Type', type = "line", radius=6)
Date Type Numbers
2014-01-05 Type-1 16
2014-01-12 Type-1 82
2014-01-12 Type-2 2
2014-01-19 Type-1 177
2014-01-26 Type-1 270
2014-01-26 Type-2 3
2014-02-02 Type-1 381
2014-02-09 Type-1 461
2014-02-09 Type-2 4
I am getting multiple dates as x-axis as shown in figure below. I also tried unique
and as.character
but the x-data is not corresponding to y-data.
Here is the solution to your problem. You can view the chart along with code here. I am posting it here as well
# don't switch to scientific notation, since we want date to be
# represented in milliseconds
options(scipen = 13)
dat = transform(df, Date2 = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(Date))*1000)
h1 <- hPlot(Numbers ~ Date2, data = dat,
group = 'Type',
type = "line",
h1$xAxis(type = 'datetime', labels = list(
format = '{value:%Y-%m-%d}'