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How to link to the page of a single author/company page on the App Store?

I would like to provide a link to all the apps of a single author/company on the App Store from my iPhone app.

Let's take Ngmoco for instance. Clicking on the following link on iTunes for PC or Mac opens iTunes and redirects the user to a page with all the published apps of Ngmoco up to today:

However, opening the same URL from the iPhone (e.g. from, or from another app) causes the iTunes Music Store browser to be launched instead of the App Store browser, and an error message pops up. Anybody knows how should I craft an iPhone-friendly URL linking to all the apps of a single author or company? Thanks.


  • NSString *str = @"itms-apps://";
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString:str]];

    That seems to work for me!!