A binary matrix of size n
x n
is given.
At each step a function checks whether each row and each column of the given matrix has at least one 1
. If not, a purely random coordinate is chosen, say i, j
where 1 <= i
, j <= n
, and it is marked as 1
if it's 0
else the 1
is retained.
The process is repeated until the matrix has each row and column having at least one 1
Please tell what are the "expected number" of moves in this algorithm.
for n = 1, 10 do
-- prepare matrix of zeroes
local P = {}
for i = 0, n do
P[i] = {}
for j = 0, n do
P[i][j] = 0
-- set matrix element at (0,0) = 1
P[0][0] = 1
local E = 0 -- expected value of number of steps
for move = 1, 1000000 do -- emulate one million steps
for x = n, 1, -1 do
for y = n, 1, -1 do
-- calculate probabilities after next move
P[x][y] = (
P[x][y] *x *y +
P[x-1][y] *(n+1-x)*y +
P[x][y-1] *x *(n+1-y) +
E = E + P[n][n]*move
P[0][0] = 0
P[n][n] = 0
print(n, E)
Results (n, E):
1 1
2 3.6666666666667
3 6.8178571428571
4 10.301098901099
5 14.039464751085
6 17.982832900812
7 22.096912050614
8 26.357063600653
9 30.744803580639
10 35.245774455244
Exact value of E may be calculated, but it would require inversion of matrix N*N, where N=n*n