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WebBrowser document.body.InnerHtml returns empty?

There is a Page, I want to get it's body for reading input areas, and changing their values by GetAttribute and SetAttribute in C#. This is no problem to do it but,

There is nothing returns (I mean empty string), when I call the body via:




That's why I can't acces any input field. I see The Web Page in webbrowser component, But Neither InnerText nor InnerHtml return. It's a saved Bank weppage running on local.

So How can I read body, for running SetAttribute or GetAttribute or InvokeMember something else?


  • You need to get the input element then to get or set the text :

    HtmlElementCollection elements = currentBrowser.Document.GetElementsByTagName("INPUT");
         foreach (HtmlElement element in elements)
               //to get the text use :  string value = element.GetAttribute("value");
               //to set the text use :  elemet.InnerText = "something";

    but don't forget that by the code above you get all the input elements , to search for a specific element you can check its id or name as in the webpage : for example :

     if (element.Name.ToLower().Contains("email"))
             //do work