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Is it possible to plot the data from this webpage using Dygraphs?

I am trying to create a chart from historical stock information, retrieved from Yahoo Finance, using Dygraphs.

The url I am trying to use as source of data is:

When I include the code below in my HTML file, I do not get any error message with Firebug. Yet the chart is empty.

Could anyone help me explain what I am doing wrong?

<div id="graphdiv"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("graphdiv"),";a=08&amp;b=7&amp;c=1984&amp;d=01&amp;e=24&amp;f=2014&amp;g=d&amp;ignore=.csv",{});



  • You're running into the same-origin policy for XmlHttpRequest.

    When I run your code in jsfiddle, I see this error in the Chrome Developer Console:

    XMLHttpRequest cannot load;a=08&amp;b=7&amp;c=1984&amp;d=01&amp;e=24&amp;f=2014&amp;g=d&amp;ignore=.csv.
    No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
    Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.

    You'll have to do the request server-side, rather than client-side.