I have written NANT build script to deploy my clickOnce WPF application.
What I cant figure out is, how to set publisher parameter...
This is part of the manifest that is generated after build:
<description asmv2:publisher="TestApplication" co.v1:suiteName="xOrg" asmv2:product="TestApplication" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" />
I am deploying via msbuild using:
<target name="BuildTestApplication" depends="Clean" description="Build">
<property name="publishFolderParameter" value="/p:PublishDir=${testPublishFolder}" />
<echo message="Building..." />
<exec program="${msbuildExe}" workingdir="." verbose="true">
<arg value="${projectFile}" />
<arg value="/target:publish" />
<arg value="${publishFolderParameter}" />
<arg value="/property:ApplicationVersion=${version}" />
<echo message="Built" />
How do I change the publisher property via msbuild arguments?
I have tried adding:
<arg value="/property:Publisher=${publisherName}" />
<arg value="/property:PublisherName=${publisherName}" />
with no success...
Additional question: What determines structure in start menu after the application is installed (the All programs / Some Name)?
Thank you in advance.
I suppose that you are missing the quotation marks. Try
<arg value="/property:PublisherName="${publisherName}"" />
for the PublisherName and
<arg value="/property:ProductName="${productName}"" />
for the ProductName which should set the shortcut name in the start menu.