I need to localize pimcore
.I have read the help on that, from the pimcore wiki:
But i don't get it(since i am a newbie to development or what ever it is i'm doing!!). It says something about registering locale in php file named action. it seems so complicated . Can anybody help?
It is pretty easy to localize your website actually.
First add all languages you want to support, this is done in the admin panel by going to Settings -> System
, expand "Localization & Internationalization
" and there you will have textbox for adding languages. Enter all languages and the press "Save" at the bottom right.
Next step is to add the translations, this is done by opening the Extras -> Translations -> Shared Translations
in the admin panel. Press the + at top to add a word or sentence used for translation, give it a name and then enter the translation for all chosen languages:
Time to code, in your view or layout files (for example: /website/views/scripts/default/default.php), where you want a translation add the following code:
<?php echo $this->translate("hello"); ?>
Set the language of the documents, this is done by opening a document in Pimcore admin, go to the tab "Properties
", and on the right side there will be a language setting, select the language for this document and press "Save & Publish":
Now when you navigate to this document (or look at the preview tab) you will see your translated word where you placed the translate code.
Translate the Admin UI
To translate the Admin UI, go to Extras > Download System Languages
in Pimcore, and there press the "+" on the language you want to download. To add to those translations you go to: http://www.pimcore.org/en/community/translations. (Read more here: http://www.pimcore.org/wiki/display/PIMCORE/Translations)
You then choose which language to use in the admin UI by going to Settings -> System
and then expanding the "General
" section, and there you will find "Default Language in Admin-Interface: