How to cluster the extracted SIFT descriptors. The aim of doing clustering is to use it for classification purpose.
To cluster , convert N*128 dimension(N is the number of descriptor from each image) into a array of M*128 dimension (M number of descriptor from all images). and perform cluster on this data.
def dict2numpy(dict):
nkeys = len(dict)
array = zeros((nkeys * PRE_ALLOCATION_BUFFER, 128))
pivot = 0
for key in dict.keys():
value = dict[key]
nelements = value.shape[0]
while pivot + nelements > array.shape[0]:
padding = zeros_like(array)
array = vstack((array, padding))
array[pivot:pivot + nelements] = value
pivot += nelements
array = resize(array, (pivot, 128))
return array
all_features_array = dict2numpy(all_features)
nfeatures = all_features_array.shape[0]
nclusters = 100
codebook, distortion = vq.kmeans(all_features_array,