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Error message: The Bundle ID you entered has already been used

I am trying to publish an iPhone app; it is not the first, I already published others in the past. So I entered the required info in the first and second form, and then filled in the big third form, the one where you also upload icon and screenshots. Well, I pressed the "Save" button before uploading the screenshots, because I noticed that I had no retina-4 screenshot available, and had to produced it first.

Why did I press "Save"? Well, I just wanted to make sure all the info I had entered wouldn't get lost.

Reasonably, I got an error message regarding the missing screenshots.

After a while I uploaded the screenshots, but when trying to save again, I got a generic error, something like "There has been an error, contact support". Maybe my session had expired in the meantime???

OK, so I press "Cancel". I return to the initial screen, where my apps are listed. No sign of the new one, so I guess I have to re-enter everything again.

The bad surprise is that when I fill in the first form I get an error message:

The Bundle ID you entered has already been used

I guess I will have to choose a different bundle ID... sounds crazy, just can't believe it... any suggestions?


  • Had faced the same problem at the time of my last app uploading. And as i was not having time to go through the Error, I simply changed the bundle id with new one. And it get done. I will suggest you to create new one and go with that.