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Difficulty in understanding how certificate is used in SSL communication

There is a wsdl which I wanted to access, the point here is I cannot access this WSDL as it is giving SSL Error. I wanted to know what all is needed here?

What I have done from my side :

Lets say Server A wants to access a WSDL which is implemented in Server B, now there has to be exchange of certificates between these two servers right? What all exchanges it should happen?

I have created a certificate request using "Create certificate Request" from IIS and shared this certificate request with Server B, from Server B We have got a p7b file. Now what exactly we have to do from here? Is the approach what we followed correct or we are deviating from the actual problem?


  • I got the clarification finally. Thanks for the support whatever you have given.

    As conveyed above here was the problem,

    Server A wants to access WSDL from Server B, and We are created a "Certificate request File" (P10b) file and shared with Server B, Now they have provided us with (P7b) file. Here was my doubt as to how to proceed.

    Explanation :

    P10b : "Certificate request" created by Server A in this case. This is a certificate request which means "This is my domain and I wanted to open a request for secured access" . Now this is what we share with Server B (Where wsdl is being implemented). Now since we want to access something from Server B over secured layer, Server B has to sign this request (signing here means approving any request which comes from Server A since this request holds the server name from where it is originating), Now this signing will be done by Server B which is when the certificate will be transformed from p10b to p7b which is what Server B will do and it will send this information to Server A.

    Now at Server A we have this certificate called p7b, Server A will now have to convert this P7b to p12b which is the final version of the certificate. This conversion is a kind of decrypting technique which will be done by only the private key of Server A (which means only Server A can decrypt this) Once Server A converts this p7b to p12b which is the final version of certificate, now the server A can have access to the secured resources of Server B by using this certificate. If Server A want's to access WSDL from browser then the browser should have this certificate imported which can be done from the settings on the browser. If the wsdl has to be accessed from a soap UI then this can be done by SSL settings on SOAP UI.

    I hope I have made clear. Please let me know if it's not clear anywhere.