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there doesn't seem to be a polymer-layout event

I'm looking for an event fired by polymer-layout when it's finished laying out, similar to the polymer-grid-layout event. Doesn't seem to be one. Am I missing something?

After my attempts at polymer-grid-layout (Autosizing canvas inside a polymer grid layout) I've decided to convert everything to nested polymer-layouts instead. After a few hiccups (e.g. the dart version of polymer-layout doesn't work if you put polymer-layout as an element directly under template, whereas the js version does - don't know which is wrong) the approach seems to be working.

The one exception is that I was previously relying on polymer-grid-layout to tell me when the canvas had been resized properly. But with polymer-layout I have the same timing problem but without the same solution it appears.

Any way around this?




  • Dart polymer_element/polymer_ui_element are a bit outdated. I'll take a look at what changes were be made in JS polymer-layout since I last revisited Dart polymer-layout (probably Mo/Di).

    Can you please create an issue in so you get notified when the update is made.