I want to safe resolve all the files in a pending changelist.
Currently, the only way I know to do this is to pass p4 a list of files.
SET CHANGE_NUMBER=default SET CHANGE_FILES=files.txt DEL %CHANGE_FILES% for /f "tokens=1 delims=#" %%a in ('p4 opened -c %CHANGE_NUMBER%') DO ECHO %%a>>%CHANGE_FILES% p4 -x %CHANGE_FILES% resolve -as
Is it possible with a single p4 command?
p4 resolve
can take a list of files, so I think you can write it like so (Unix-like shell syntax assumed):
p4 resolve -as `p4 opened -c <change-number>`
using the backquote syntax to insert the result of running the p4 opened
command, where <change-number>
is the number of your changelist.
(If you don't have any files opened in any other changelist, then you should be able to use the simpler p4 resolve -as //...