The first part of my code is used to receive a single string input from the user and replace certain characters in that word using string class member functions. This part was easy for me to figure out, but I can't seem to figure out how to form a new string out of these changed characters since I will need to use this string for further manipulation later on in my code.
This is problematic since the for loop outputs single char variables that can't be manipulated as a single string.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string word;
char letter;
int i;
cout << "Enter a word: ";
cin >> word;
cout << "\n";
for ( i = 0; i < word.size(); i++)
if ( == 'e')
{ = '3';
if ( == 'i' )
{ = '1';
if ( == 'x' )
{ = '*';
cout <<;
cout << "\n";
As my code currently stands, a user might, for example, input the string "cheese" and receive the output ch33s3. However this output is not a string; it is an assortment of chars without a space to separate them. I can't continue my code any further with my for loop output remaining as it currently is.
Edit: I realize now that I already have what I need, but confused myself into thinking the scope wouldn't apply outside my for loop. Thanks for the quick and easy answers.
The variable word contains the altered string and can be manipulated as such. It appears that you already have what you need.
Also - you may already know this - but you don't need the "at" function to accomplish what you're doing here. You can index the string like an array. For example:
word[i] = 'e';
cout << word[i];