I want to add a basemap to my plot, which visualizes three SpatialPointDataFrames.
I've already tried the maptools as well as RgoogleMaps package, but both don't work in the way, which I want to.
My problem: The SpatialPointDataFrames are not drawn on the GoogleMaps Background map.
A minimal example:
The city.csv with the following example content:
0,New York,-73.996786,40.720813
1,Newark,-74.172237, 40.732196
The R Code:
# Load packages
# load .csv file
city= read.csv("city.csv", header = TRUE)
# convert to SpatialPointDataFrame
coordinates(city) <- c("POINT_X", "POINT_Y")
proj4string(city) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# use RgoogleMaps
gc <- geocode('new york, usa')
center <- as.numeric(gc)
ggmap(get_googlemap(center = center, color = 'bw', scale = 4), fullpage = T)
# Plot the city dataset
plot(city, pch = 22, col="black", bg= "yellow", cex = 1.5, add = TRUE)
The result should be a plot with the background map and the two points, but the points are not drawn on the map. Is there a geocoding problem or do I miss anything? Is it possible to combine ggmap and plt functions?
Any help is much appreciated!
Using ggplot2 for this kind of work is much easier, you can add points, polygons, 2densities, etc... to ggmap layers.
is the SpatialPointsDataFrame object:
DB <- data.frame(FID=P$FID, city=P$city)
DB <- cbind(DB, P@coords)
DB <- data.frame(FID=c(0,1), city=c("New York", "Newark"), POINT_X=c(-73.996786,-74.172237), POINT_Y=c(40.720813,40.732196 ))
gc <- geocode("new york, usa")
center <- as.numeric(gc)
G <- ggmap(get_googlemap(center = center, color = 'bw', scale = 4), extent = "device")
G1 <- G + geom_point(aes(x=POINT_X, y=POINT_Y ),data=DB, color="red", size=5)
This is the output: