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Get track info when action (iTunes Applescript)

I need get info about track (song name, artist, album) when user changed player (iTunes) state: next track, last track, play and stop.

I'm writed something, but it's doesn't work with action (play, stop, etc..)

delay 1 
tell application "iTunes"
    if player state is stop then
        set myAlbumiTunes to {get name of current track, get artist of current track, get album of current track}
        log myAlbumiTunes
    end if
end tell
end repeat


  • The easiest way to do this is if you know how to write a cocoa application because every time something changes in iTunes it send out a system wide notification. A coca app can receive that notification and take an action.

    Since you want an applescript method then you must do it the hard way. You'll need some variables to keep track of the current song and player state. Every time through your repeat loop check the current song against the song and player state you have stored in your variables. If something changes then you can take an action.

    I didn't test this but it shows the idea. I hope it helps. Good luck.

    property savedSongName : missing value
    property savedPlayerState : missing value
        delay 1
        set somethingChanged to false
        tell application "iTunes"
            set currentTrack to current track
            set currentSongName to name of currentTrack
            set currentPlayerState to player state
            if currentPlayerState is not savedPlayerState then
                set somethingChanged to true
            else if currentSongName is not savedSongName then
                set somethingChanged to true
            end if
            if somethingChanged then
                set myAlbumiTunes to {get name of currentTrack, get artist of currentTrack, get album of currentTrack}
                log myAlbumiTunes
            end if
            set savedPlayerState to currentPlayerState
            set savedSongName to currentSongName
        end tell
    end repeat

    EDIT: if you do write the objective-c program, just register for the notification as follows.

    [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(receivediTunesNotification:) name:@"" object:nil];

    Then create a handler "-(void)receivediTunesNotification:(id)notif". That will be called whenever something changes. You can get a dictionary from the notification that gives the change information as follows.

    NSDictionary* itunesDict = [notif valueForKey:@"userInfo"];