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AWS: A client error (ValidationError) occurred when calling the CreateStack operation: ParameterValue for ParameterKey ... is required

I'm trying to create a PowerShell script that among other things creates an AWS CloudFormation stack. I'm having trouble with the aws cloudformation create-stack command however, it doesn't seem to be picking up the parameters. Here is the snippet giving me trouble:

$version = Read-Host 'What version is this?'
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name Cloud-$version --template-body C:\awsdeploy\MyCloud.template --parameters ParameterKey=BuildNumber,ParameterValue=$version

The error I receive is:

aws : 
At C:\awsdeploy\Deploy.ps1:11 char:1
+ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name Cloud-$version --template-bo ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

A client error (ValidationError) occurred when calling the CreateStack operation: ParameterValue for ParameterKey BuildNumber is required

I know the CloudFormation script is OK because I can execute it without issues via the AWS explorer. The parameters section looks like this:

"Parameters" : {
    "BuildNumber" : { "Type" : "Number" }

I've tried the following, none of which seem to help:

  • replacing $version with a static value
  • changing the parameter type from Number to String
  • trying to pass the parameter list in JSON format

No dice on any of these, same error. It's like it's just not accepting the parameters for some reason. Any ideas?


  • I'd wager that Powershell is having difficulty parsing that comma and loses the ParameterValue afterwards. You may want to try to wrap whole section after --parameter in a string (double-quoted, so $version still resolves):

    aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name Cloud-$version --template-body C:\awsdeploy\MyCloud.template --parameters "ParameterKey=BuildNumber,ParameterValue=$version"

    Or, failing that, try running the line explicitly in the cmd environment.

    If you're interested in an alternative solution, AWS has implemented their command line tools in a separate utility called AWS Tools for Powershell. create-stack maps to New-CFNStack as shown in this documentation: New-CFNStack Docs

    It looks like this would be the equivalent call:

    $p1 = New-Object -Type Amazon.CloudFormation.Model.Parameter 
    $p1.ParameterKey = "BuildNumber" 
    $p1.ParameterValue = "$version" 
    New-CFNStack -StackName "cloud-$version" ` 
    -TemplateBody "C:\awsdeploy\MyCloud.template" ` 
    -Parameters @( $p1 )