I'am developing a plugin in redmine how send mail every days , so i install rufus-scheduler and in my Gemfile i add this line
gem "rufus-scheduler "
and also i install the gem
sudo gem install rufus-scheduler --source http://gemcutter.org
and in my redmine/plugins/latest-issues-redmine-plugin/lib/latest_issues/view_hook_listener.rb i do this
class LatestIssuesViewHookListener < Redmine::Hook::ViewListener
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../app/models/latest_issues_setup')
require 'net/smtp'
require 'rubygems'
require 'rufus-scheduler
def load_issues
scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.start_new
scheduler.every '1h' do
send_email "test@test.com", :body => html
Any ideas for this error ?
sudo gem install rufus-scheduler --source http://gemcutter.org
installs rubygems via the "gem" command, which, usually, points to the "system" Ruby which is, usually again, not JRuby.
You could probably do
jruby -S gem install rufus-scheduler
to install the gem in the JRuby load path.