I want to be able to pass a variable caught in the URL to a Q object for a generic view.
I created a generic view which is imported as my_views.view which handles things like pagination, sorting, filtering etc...
I need to use Q objects because for some pages there will need some OR filters. Each page will also be filtering based on different fields (and models) (hence the generic view).
view_customers_info = {
"queryset" : Customer.all(),
'qobject': Q(status=stat),
"extra_context" : {
"title" : 'View Customers',
'template_name': 'customer/view.html',
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^customer/(?P<stat>\w+)/$', my_views.view, view_customers_info),
In this example, this line complains about stat not being a global name:
'qobject': Q(status=stat),
How can I pass the variable caught in the URL to the dictionary view_customers_info?
I can't simply move that Q object into the generic view because other pages will have Q objects like the following:
'qobject': (Q(type=type) | Q(status=stat)),
I think you can only do this by wrapping the generic view with a custom view/function. See also here: