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Passing character and data.frame arguments to a function using

I don't know if I'm being an idiot, but I'm trying to pass arguments to the lavaan cfa() function using I've done this successfully with other functions but in this case the arguments are mixed - i.e. the first is a character string, the second a data.frame, and the third a character string again. Take this simple example:


#simulating data
t <- rnorm(100,0,.8)
y1 <- t + rnorm(100,0,.2)
y2 <- t + rnorm(100,0,.2)
y3 <- t + rnorm(100,0,.2)
g <- c(0,1)
data <- data.frame(y1,y2,y3,g)

#setting up the lavaan model
model <- 'f1 =~ y1 + y2 + y3'

Now simply using these arguments works fine


But when I try to use the

args <- list(model=model,data=data,group='g'),args)

I get this error message:

Error in as.character(mc[[1L]]) : 
cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

I tried using substitute(), any combination of quotation marks and the quote-Argument of but all to no avail. Because I want to use this for a sort-of mini-package I want to avoid using any other packages and would rather only use base functions. Is this possible?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best, Martin


  • expects its first argument to be the 'name' of the function. Usually it works if this is entered as an R symbol (an expression without quotes) or expressed as a single element character value. In this case cfa is a wrapper for lavaan and the function name is converted to a list element named 'model.type' which succeeds when it is a character value but not when it is an R symbol-name of a function.

    lavaan (0.5-15) converged normally after  56 iterations
      Number of observations per group         
      0                                                 50
      1                                                 50
      Estimator                                         ML
      Minimum Function Test Statistic                0.000
      Degrees of freedom                                 0
      P-value (Chi-square)                           0.000
    Chi-square for each group:
      0                                              0.000
      1                                              0.000