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Save cx_freeze errors

So when a python program has been frozen using cx_freeze it opens up an alert whenever the program crashes the only problem is the only way to distribute the traceback (for bug reports) is by screenshot-ting the alert box which is a bit of a pain (you can't copy text from the alert box).

Is there any way to save cx_freeze error reports? For example by writing them into a crash-log file. It seams a shame to present the crashes in such a helpful way and yet have no way of easily sending crash reports to developers (screenshot-ting being a but tedious).


  • I think it is actually possible to copy the text from a Windows message box, but I agree that it's not obvious to users that you can do that.

    It should be possible to set sys.excepthook to a function that saves the error and traceback somewhere. This will stop cx_Freeze displaying the error message box, so it's up to you to notify the user about errors if that's appropriate.