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create a connection with a postgresql database using sequel and puma

For the past few weeks I've been learning Ruby and I must say that it hasn't been easy to get a grasp of some things.

That leads me to asking this question, I'm trying to setup a project which uses Rubinius as ruby engine, puma as webserver (since Puma states that it's best made to work with Rubinius because of their concurrency implementation), PostgreSQL as database and sequel as toolkit for the database.

What I'm struggling with is making the database connection. As it is, I'm doing it in the

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'uri'
require 'yaml'
require 'erb'

Bundler.require :default, ENV['RACK_ENV']

DATABASE.disconnect if defined?(DATABASE)

  db_config = URI.parse ENV['DATABASE_URL']
  #noinspection RubyResolve
  db_config = YAML.load('config/database.yml')).result)[ENV['RACK_ENV']]

DATABASE = Sequel.connect db_config

require File.expand_path('../application/api', __FILE__)

run APP::API

But I've been told that it's not the best place to do it if I want concurrency and not a shared connection. If I were using Unicorn I would do it in the before_fork, but Puma does not have such a function.

Though it does provide a on_worker_boot it is not useful with Sequel, because if I preload the app, Sequel requires a database connection before it can create my models (class SomeClass < Sequel::Model).

I am a bit confused now and I'm not sure where to go from this point. I was trying to find some guides or some good practices on this matter, but the only things I found were using ActiveRecord.

Does someone know how to actually do this properly, connecting to the database?


  • If you haven't set up puma to fork and preload the app (-w and --preload flags), you shouldn't need to do anything. If you have set up puma to fork and preload, then after loading your model classes, call DATABASE.disconnect. You may also want to lobby the puma developers to add a hook similar to before_fork in unicorn.