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Core Data pattern: how to efficiently update local info with changes from network?

I have some inefficiency in my app that I'd like to understand and fix.

My algorithm is:

fetch object collection from network
for each object:
  if (corresponding locally stored object not found): -- A
    create object
    if (a nested related object locally not found): -- B
      create a related object

I am doing the checking on lines A and B by creating a predicate query with the relevant object's key that's part of my schema. I see that both A (always) and B (if execution branched into that part) generate a SQL select like:

2010-02-05 01:57:51.092 app[393:207] CoreData: sql: SELECT <a bunch of fields> FROM ZTABLE1 t0 WHERE  t0.ZID = ? 
2010-02-05 01:57:51.097 app[393:207] CoreData: annotation: sql connection fetch time: 0.0046s
2010-02-05 01:57:51.100 app[393:207] CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0074s for 0 rows.
2010-02-05 01:57:51.125 app[393:207] CoreData: sql: SELECT <a bunch of fields> FROM ZTABLE2 t0 WHERE  t0.ZID = ? 
2010-02-05 01:57:51.129 app[393:207] CoreData: annotation: sql connection fetch time: 0.0040s
2010-02-05 01:57:51.132 app[393:207] CoreData: annotation: total fetch execution time: 0.0071s for 0 rows.

0.0071s for a query is fine on a 3GS device, but if you add 100 of these up, you just got a 700ms blocker.

In my code, I'm using a helper to do these fetches:

- (MyObject *) myObjectById:(NSNumber *)myObjectId {
    NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
    [fetchRequest setEntity:[self objectEntity]]; // my entity cache    
    [fetchRequest setPredicate:[self objectPredicateById:objectId]]; // predicate cache    
    NSError *error = nil;
    NSArray *fetchedObjects = [moc executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&error];
    if ([fetchedObjects count] == 1) {
        [fetchRequest release];
        return [fetchedObjects objectAtIndex:0];
    [fetchRequest release];
    return nil;

MyObject *obj = [self myObjectById];
if (!obj) {
   // [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName: ... etc

I feel this is wrong and I should do the check some other way. It should only hit the database once and should come from memory thereafter, right? (The SQL gets executed even for objects that I know for sure exist locally and should have been loaded to memory with previous queries.) But, if I only have myObjectId from an external source, this is the best I could think of.

So, perhaps the question is: if I have myObjectId (a Core Data int64 property on MyObject), how should I correctly check if the relevant local object exists in CD store or not? Preload the whole set of possible matches and then predicate a local array?

(One possible solution is moving this to a background thread. This would be fine, except that when I get the changes from the thread and do [moc mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:aNotification]; (getting changed objects from background thread by way of notification), this still blocks.)


  • Read "Implementing Find-or-Create Efficiently" in Core Data Programming Guide.

    Basically you need to create an array of IDs or properties like names, or anything you have from the managed object entity.

    Then you need to create a predicate that will filter the managed objects using this array.

    [fetchRequest setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @"(objectID IN %@)", objectIDs]];

    Of course "objectIDs" could be anything that you can use to identify. It doesn't have to be the NSManagedObjectID.

    Then you could do one fetch request, and iterate the resulting fetched objects, to find duplicates. Add a new one if it doesn't exist.