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Override defined binding in WCF WSDL schema

I've been given the task to call an external WCF service in order to get some data. So far so good. However, in the WSDL of the service there's a binding address provided to Another URL which I Believe is an internal server at the 3rd party provider, and if I add a service reference in my Project to the service, all calls will be directed to the URL in the WSDL, even though that's a server I can't access, hence it throws an exception.

This is the part in the WSDL that seems to be causing the issues:

<wsdl:service name="TheService">
<wsdl:port name="BasicHttpBinding_ITheService" binding="tns:BasicHttpBinding_ITheService">
    <soap:address location=""/>

In the above example, I don't have access to the "" server. Is there a way to override this URL and use the one I've been given by the provider?


  • Do you need the external service? If not, save the wsdl as a file then remove that part. Add a new reference but instead of pointing it to the service endpoint, use a file reference, like this:


    I have used this with Apach Axis web services and it has worked for me. Good luck.