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Creating an Excel Sheet with ADO.NET (OleDb) --> What DataTypes are Supported?

I try to create an Excel (2003) Sheet with ADO.NET (OleDb).

I was able to create the Sheet with an OleDbCommand:

var cnnString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;...";
var cnn = new OleDbConnection(cnnString);
var cmd = cnn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE MySheet (ID char(255), Field1 char(255))";

That works as expected.

Here my Question: What DataTypes (like char(255)) are Supported by Excel within the CREATE TABLE command? I did google but didn't find any documentation or hints.

Thanks for your help.


  • Excel recognizes only a limited set of data types. For example:

    • All numeric columns are doubles
    • All string columns (other than memo columns) are 255-character Unicode strings


    All versions of Excel:

    • 8-byte double
    • [signed] short [int] – used for Boolean values and also integers
    • unsigned short [int]
    • [signed long] int


    All versions of Excel:

    • [signed] char * – null-terminated byte strings of up to 255 characters
    • unsigned char * – length-counted byte strings of up to 255 characters

    Excel 2007+ only:

    • unsigned short * – Unicode strings of up to 32,767 characters, which can be null-terminated or length-counted