I have a column CLOB type that contain xml format.
I need to get with a simple query all different type from this field:
Ex. The field contain different types:
First record:
<Message type="New Address" xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/ecommerce/2009/01/scope/messages"><Customer ...
Second record:
<Message type="Added Email" xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/ecommerce/2009/01/scope/messages"><Customer ...
Third record:
<Message type="New Order" xmlns="http://euroconsumers.org/ecommerce/2009/01/scope/messages"><Customer ...
I would like to retrieve:
New Address
Added Email
New Order
This works for your data:
select xmlquery('/*/@type'
passing xmltype(<clob column>)
returning content)
from <your table>;
create table t42 (clob_col clob);
insert into t42 values ('<Message type="New Address" xmlns="..."><Customer type="x"></Customer></Message>');
insert into t42 values ('<Message type="Added Email" xmlns="..."><Customer></Customer></Message>');
insert into t42 values ('<Message type="New Order" xmlns="..."><Customer></Customer></Message>');
select xmlquery('/*/@type'
passing xmltype(t42.clob_col)
returning content)
from t42;
New Address
Added Email
New Order
Or this:
select xmltype(<clob_column>).extract('/*/@type')
from <your table>;
select xmltype(clob_col).extract('/*/@type')
from t42;
New Address
Added Email
New Order
Read more about querying XML.