SO I am going to integrate the dogecoin in to the my busniess website. My Products are avilable to purchase in EURO currency and for avilable to provide it in doecoin I need to convert the EURO to Dogecoin.
What I have DID: I have found the DOGECOIN API ( in php. i have found that we can convert the DOGECOIN in BTC or USD. Using this :
The above URL gives me the total USD from DOGE AMOUNT.output is : 1.13949000
My Question is : How Can i convert the EURO in DOGEAMOUNT ? I have search alot and not found any solution . please help. Thanks in Advance.
A bit messy but does the work (it uses another url to get exchanges for USD,EUR)
$doge2usd = file_get_contents("");
echo sprintf("1 dogecoin => %f usd",$doge2usd); // 1 DOGE => USD 0.00115078
$eur2usd = file_get_contents("");
$j = json_decode($eur2usd,TRUE);
$doge2eur = $doge2usd * (1 / $j["rate"]); // 1 DOGE => 0.00083941557920536 EUR
echo sprintf("<br>1 dogecoins => %f euro, 5 dogecoins => %f euro",$doge2eur,$doge2eur*5);
$eur2doge = 1 / $doge2eur; // 1 EUR => DOGE 1197.29
echo sprintf("<br>1 euro => %f dogecoins, 5 euro => %f dogecoins",$eur2doge,$eur2doge*5);