I am writing a second stage bootloader, a part of whose responsibility will be to enter 32 bit protected mode from 16 bit real mode.
My code has some initializing real mode code, a few real mode functions, protected mode code and a few protected mode ones. Here's what I had done (the actual code is in the same order):
Added BITS 16
before the starting of first real mode function.
Added BITS 32
before the first protected mode function
Added BITS 16
before the initializing real mode code
Added BITS 32
before the initializing protected mode code (basically before mov cr0, eax
after OR
ing eax
with 1.
This didn't work, so I read NASM's manual which said its not necessary to use this directive. I removed all of them and the code worked!
So what was the mistake in my approach ? Also, am I somehow mixing up bitness and the processor mode ?
would go after mov cr0
, as that is still executed in real mode. You shouldn't switch to BITS 32
until you do the JMP 0x08:ProtectedModeMain