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Filtering Error: Lookups are not allowed more than one level deep

From looking around at what others are doing this should be working, but I an error saying:

Lookups are not allowed more than one level deep on the 'photos' field.

Here is the code that I have. I've tried a few slight variations with how I set things up but I've had no luck.

class CollectionResource(ModelResource):
    photos = fields.ToManyField('photoproject.apps.kit.api.PhotoResource', 'photo_set', null=True, full=True)

    class Meta:
        authorization = Authorization()
        resource_name = 'collection'

        queryset = Collection.objects.all()

        filtering = {
            'name': ['exact'],
            'photos': ALL

class PhotoResource(ModelResource):
    collection = fields.ToOneField(CollectionResource, 'collection')

    class Meta:
        authorization = Authorization()
        resource_name = 'photo'

        queryset = Photo.objects.all()

        filtering = {
            'id': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS

And what I'm trying to query is:



  • Per this StackOverflow answer, try changing ALL to ALL_WITH_RELATIONS for "photos":

    class CollectionResource(ModelResource):
        photos = fields.ToManyField('photoproject.apps.kit.api.PhotoResource', 'photo_set', null=True, full=True)
        class Meta:
            authorization = Authorization()
            resource_name = 'collection'
            queryset = Collection.objects.all()
            filtering = {
                'name': ['exact'],
                'photos': ALL_WITH_RELATIONS