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Using MacVim and surround.vim - Backspace in Visual Mode surrounds text with ""

I just remapped some keys in my .vimrc and I'm getting some wierd behavior.

When I select text in visual mode, and hit the delete key, it surrounds the highlighted text with ""...

Here's the relevant pieces of my .vimrc

"Using Vundle
Bundle 'tpope/vim-surround'    

let mapleader= ","
let g:mapleader= ","

set backspace=eol,start,indent

" => Surround Vim Shortcuts
vmap ' S'
vmap " S"
vmap { S{
vmap } S}
vmap ( S(
vmap ) S)
vmap [ S[
vmap ] S]

" tags
vmap < S<
vmap > S>

" addressing the problem introduced by tags
vnoremap << <
vnoremap >> >

map <leader>s' ysiw'
map <leader>s" ysiw"
map <leader>s( ysiw)
map <leader>s[ ysiw]
map <leader>s{ ysiw}

map <leader>d' yss'
map <leader>d" yss"
map <leader>d( yss)
map <leader>d[ yss]
map <leader>d{ yss}

vmap <Leader>S <Plug>VSurround


  def persisted?

# I select it in visual mode, hit delete and it becomes:

  "def persisted?

I know a lot of this configuration is personal preference so any advice is welcome, but more importantly, why am I getting this behavior?


  • When I try :verbose map <BS> I get

    s  <BS>        * b<BS>
        Last set from ~/<...>/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
    x  <BS>          "-d

    This tells me that there is a Select-mode mapping that will enter a "b" (deleting the selected text and entering Insert mode) followed by an Insert-mode <BS>; the * means that the b<BS> will not be remapped; and this mapping is defined by snipMate.vim. There is also a Visual-mode mapping to "-d. Since there is no *, it will be remapped.

    Something is broken: I cannot figure out where that second mapping comes from.

    Maybe if I have the second mapping, so do you. If so, then the " gets mapped (defined in your vimrc file) to S", and I guess that surround.vim does something with that. That more or less explains what you see. I am not sure what mode vim is in after all that, so I am not sure what the -d at the end will do.

    Try :xunmap <BS> or :xnoremap <BS> "-d and see if it helps. If so, try putting it at the end of your vimrc file. If that does not work, try putting it inside a VimEnter autocommand.

    :help :map
    :help map-modes