I have a sticky navigation on the top of my page and i also have one as the right column.
My problem is that when i link the side navigation to an anchor it scrolls the page to that anchor and puts it behind the top navigation.
Is there anyway that i can have it so it scrolls the page to 100px
above the actual anchor so it isn't behind the top sticky navigation?
I am using bootstrap with affix-top
on the top navigation and data-spy="scroll" and also
affix` on the right column navigation
Since i am using the data-spy="scroll"
this affects the way that the scrollspy
works since the anchor goes behind the top navigation before it changes the spy on the side navigation.
This is why i ant to have an offset on my anchor.
As long as you can set this up so that it won't interfere with the rest of your layout, the following is an easy manner to do what you want:
Sample Jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/qWHgR/
selector {
padding-top: 200px;
margin-top: -200px;
I'm not personally familiar with Scrollspy so you may have to make some minor changes to it if the offset becomes a problem.