I'm attempting to create a "point of sale" program. Where the user can enter stock into a database, as well as customers etc. I want to be able to create a "Job" where I can enter several stocked items from the database, enter customer information, click save, and then when I click sold it turns it into a printable invoice.
I use this software at work :
And would like to do something similar to the picture (although its not very clear) But you basically type the stock item into it, it finds the price etc from the database, and you then assign a customer to it, and click "save" or "invoice".
Would I have to create a new datatable and save it into the database for each one, assign a unique number to it (for reference).
Will be better to store all the data in a database. At least is my point of view! And you will be able to export as excel if you want too.