I have a Publication model with validations on some fields, title for example.
I removed the error messages that I find annoying, and set up a nice CSS for when the input are surrounded in a field_with_error div so the user knows what field did not validate.
The thing is when I deploy to production the validations are still performed (ie. the user is sent back to the form) but the inputs are not surrounded with the error div.
I tried running the app locally in production mode and all I could learn is that it starts happening when I set config.cache_classes to true in my config/environments/production.rb file.
Also when I log @publication.errors in the controller the errors are present.
Any idea ?
On a rails 4.0.1 project I added an initializer:
with these lines
ActionView::Base.class_eval do
@@field_error_proc = Proc.new{ |html_tag, instance| "<div class=\"field_with_errors\">#{html_tag}</div>".html_safe }