In Qt
5, I have a QDialog
window on which I have drawn a circle as follows:
void MyDialog::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QPainter painter(this);
QPen pen(Qt::blue,2);
QRect r=QRect(0,0,100,100);
If I draw a larger circle, for example by using QRect(0,0,500,500);
, the circle being greater than the dialog window is clipped. So I dragged a QScrollArea
onto the the dialog window and decide to draw onto that so that scroll bars are automatically added. The QScrollArea
can be accessed using ui->scrollArea
I changed the above code by setting QPainter painter(ui->scrollArea);
. However, nothings appears in the QScrollArea
. I read that I need to override the paintEvent
of QScrollArea
. But I don't know how to do this.
Any help of drawing on the QScrollArea
Drawing on the QScrollArea is not what you want either because the QScrollArea actually has a viewport widget.
Create another class which inherits QWidget. Override the paintEvent() method and to the painting you mention. Then, add the widget to the scroll area in your dialog.
QScrollArea *pScrl = new QScrollArea(this);
pScrl->setWidget(new MyWidget(pScrl));
... // use a layout to put the scroll area in the dialog
To really make it useful you will need to resize the MyWidget instance to the size of the circle that you want to draw.