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LINQPad throws NullReferenceException on valid code

I'm reading about C# events and delegates, and I'd like to copy and paste the following code into LINQPad and run it:

class Test
    public event EventHandler MyEvent
            Console.WriteLine ("add operation");

            Console.WriteLine ("remove operation");

    static void Main()
        Test t = new Test();

        t.MyEvent += new EventHandler (t.DoNothing);
        t.MyEvent -= null;

    void DoNothing (object sender, EventArgs e)

I am importing the System namespace in Query Properties.

I can't figure out why LINQPad throws a NullReferenceException:

Message Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Data    Data
InnerException  (null)
TargetSite  TargetSite
StackTrace     at LINQPad.ExecutionModel.ClrQueryRunner.Run()
   at LINQPad.ExecutionModel.Server.RunQuery(QueryRunner runner)
HelpLink    null
Source  LINQPad
HResult -2147467261

The same code compiles just fine if I create a project in Visual Studio, which is what I'd like to avoid.


  • You need to move your main method out of the class like this:

    void Main()
        Test t = new Test();
        t.MyEvent += new EventHandler (t.DoNothing);
        t.MyEvent -= null;
    class Test
        public event EventHandler MyEvent
                Console.WriteLine ("add operation");
                Console.WriteLine ("remove operation");
        public void DoNothing (object sender, EventArgs e)

    This is a limitation of LinqPad.
