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Forcing namespace reload using Clojure core.typed

There may be something I really don't understand about core.typed and the way you need to call check-ns.

Here's what's working and then what's not working:

  • lein new default showso
  • Lauching Emacs
  • add the [org.clojure/core.typed "0.2.34"] dependency to project.clj
  • modify core.clj so that it contains:

    (ns showso.core
      :require [clojure.core.typed :refer [ann check-ns AnyInteger]]))
    (ann somevar Number)
    (def somevar 42)
  • cider-jack-in

  • REPL> (ns showso.core)
  • cider-eval-buffer
  • showsho.core> (check-ns)

    Initializing core.typed ...
    "Elapsed time: 2537.589357 msecs"
    core.typed initialized.
    Start collecting showso.core
    Finished collecting showso.core
    Collected 1 namespaces in 2595.464317 msecs
    Start checking showso.core
    Checked showso.core in 20.24605 msecs
    Checked 1 namespaces (approx. 5 lines) in 2619.38047 msecs

So so far so good, everything is working fine.

Now what I really don't get at all is that if a modify the (def somevar 42), which must be a Number, to, say, a String, then I simply cannot find a way to have the check-ns function take that change into account:

(def somevar "bugsme")

Now, no matter what I try: cider-eval-buffer, cider-eval-last-expression, redefining somevar directly from the repl, etc. apparently nothing I do makes check-ns take the changes into account.

It's as if the results from the last check-ns was cached somewhere and never re-running.

Even if I kill all the cider Emacs buffers and relaunch cider-jack-in, the changes are still not taking into account. check-ns keeps telling me everything is ok.

The only way I can have check-ns take the change into account is to entirely close Emacs and relaunch it.

Note that it's exactly the same if I first test with a bogus value: then check-ns correctly finds the type mismatch ("Expected: java.lang.Number"...) but then if I fix it there's no way besides relaunching Emacs to have check-ns report no error.

What am I doing wrong? Is there some caching of previous values going on?

Is there an easy way to "force" check-ns to take the changes into account, directly from Emacs, without having to launch a new REPL (not even sufficient in my case) / relaunching Emacs?


  • You should save the file before each call to check-ns.