I'm trying to configure LDAP authentification in Phabricator.
the setup on /config/group/ldap/have been done. However, when trying to login using LDAP, phabricator is answering tby the following error:
Call to undefined function ldap_connect()
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Is there any configuration trick for ldap authentification for phabricator ?
If you have another DN for your Anonymous Username, you have to check Search First and give all ldap "characteristics" for it.
Example :
LDAP Hostname : yourLdapHostname.com
Base Distinguished Name : OU=UsersEmea,DC=emea,DC=msad,DC=mycorp
Search Attribute : sAMAccountName
Check Search First
Anonymous Username : CN=myanonymous,OU=otherservice,DC=emea,DC=msad,DC=mycorp
Anonymous Password : <password of myanonymous>