I have a page /hello
where i have a link:
<a href="{{#url 'goodbye' }}{{/url}}">
that will redirect to /goodbye
. But i want it to use an anchor too, something like /goodbye#message
I have tried doing:
<a href="{{#url 'goodbye' }}{{/url}}#message">
but when I click on it, it will redirect the page to /goodbye
. It seems like Chaplin is deleting the anchor.
For the templates I'm using handlebars (with the chapling boilerplate), the {{#url}}
helper generates correctly the link ( cf view-helper.js ). In the rendered page i see:
<a href="/goodbye#message">
but when i click on it, it just redirects me to /goodbye
Any idea?
Found a solution, I needed to stop the routing on the link. I just added the class noscript
on the tag
<a href="{{#url 'goodbye' }}{{/url}}#message" class="noscript">
I couln't find a different way to do it. Hope this helps someone else