Search code examples

Jquery loading all records on load

Current I have a scenario where I have to load records on scrollbar scrollevent. I have a empty dropdown list and on first load I am appending first 20 records which are retrieved from server. On dropdown scroll I am getting next 20 records from server and appending to dropdown. I am repeating this process on scrollbar event and appending next 20 and next 20 records to dropdown.

Below is my code/algorithm.

My Question is : Do we have any option to load all records at a time instead of loading 20 from server?

Cons: My odata returns only 20 records at a time. Its page size is set to 20. I do not have control to odata update. I have to loop the scenario to get 20 by 20 each time and on page load it should sum all together.

var nextCitiesLink = null;
    var pgLoading = false;

    $("#SelectedNames").bind('scroll', function(e) {

    function loadCityNames() {
        if (!pgLoading && nextLinkPgs != null) {
            pgLoading = true;
                type: "GET",
                url: nextCitiesLink,
                crossDomain: true,
                cache: false,
                contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
                xhrFields: {
                    withCredentials: true
                success: function (result) {
                    var namesDrpdown = $('#SelectedNames');
                    $.each(result.value, function(val, data) {

                    nextCitiesLink= "odatalink&$skip=20";
                    pgLoading = false;
                complete: function() {


  • You could make multiple requests to get the number of pages you need to populate your page.

    A better idea would be to ask whoever can update the OData service to increase the page size. It would be a bad idea to allow clients request everything in one call.