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Cannot display MAF ui object in my host

I have Implemented the MAF Framework, creating a pipeline and an AddIn which sends a

<!-- language-all: lang-cc -->

UserControl to my host which is a plugin itself.

The control to be sent to the host is written as below, it implements UserControl and contains an additional string property:

Contract : public interface ITestSuiteUiContract : INativeHandleContract  
AddInViews : public class TestSuiteUi : UserControl
HostViews :  public abstract class AbstractTestSuiteUi : UserControl

The host loads the AddIn and the requested UI. I can call methods, but I can't display my AddIn UI object into my host container:

ViewModel: TestSuiteUiContainer = _TestSuiteLoader.LoadedTestSuite.GetTestSuiteWpfUiObjects()[0];`  
View : `<ContentControl Content="{Binding TestSuiteUiContainer}"/> 

unless I put it in a separate window new Window { Content = TestSuiteUicontainer }.Show();

or even if I put the hole plugin view in a separate window.

My plugin is displaying all UserControl Objects exept my AddIn ui object.

Here's my Hostside TestSuiteUi contract to

view adapter :

public TestSuiteUiContractToViewAdapter(TestSuiteUiContract contract)
    _contract = contract;
    _handle = new ContractHandle(_contract);
    string aqn = typeof(INativeHandleContract).AssemblyQualifiedName;
    INativeHandleContract inhc = (INativeHandleContract)SourceContract.QueryContract(aqn);
    FrameworkElement fe = (FrameworkElement)FrameworkElementAdapters.ContractToViewAdapter(inhc);
    this.Content = fe;

And here's the list returned by my AddIn:

public List<AbstractTestSuiteUi> GetTestSuiteWpfUiObjects()
    var list = new List<AbstractTestSuiteUi>();
    for (int i = 0; i < SourceContract.GetTestSuiteWpfUiObjects().GetCount(); i++)
        list.Add(Adapt.ToView<ITestSuiteUiContract, AbstractTestSuiteUi, TestSuiteUiContractToViewAdapter>(SourceContract.GetTestSuiteWpfUiObjects().GetItem(i)));
    return list;

Here are methods added to my

    public override IContract QueryContract(string contractIdentifier)
        if (contractIdentifier.Equals(typeof(INativeHandleContract).AssemblyQualifiedName))
            return FrameworkElementAdapters.ViewToContractAdapter(this.SourceView);
        return base.QueryContract(contractIdentifier);

    [SecurityPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)]
    public IntPtr GetHandle()
        return FrameworkElementAdapters.ViewToContractAdapter(this.SourceView).GetHandle();


  • In case someone faces the same issue, here's the answer found in msdn forum :