I have a code that allows me to use an open file dialog to select a file. Once selected, the file path displays in Form3. What I'm trying to do from there is click Command_Button1 (Open) and physically open the file.
I can provide codes and JPEGs...but won't cloud this up until it is necessary :) I'm not using Common Dialog so the code is somewhat lengthy.
I looked online for a few hours yesterday and the closest I got was how to get it to open an Excel file...but this isn't Excel.
P.S. I'm new to VBA...so if this isn't as simple as a few lines of code and I'm missing the difficulty of it, please let me know. It seems like it should be a simple enough process...
Edit 1:
@mehow, Do you think it could be because the whole path name isn't displaying? I double clicked Open and nothing happened like you said
If you already know the path then..
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
dim myPath as String
myPath = "C:\files\file1.exe"
Dim shell As Object
Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
shell.Open myPath
End Sub