I have some lines that are connected at various points. I want to draw the outline of these lines and I also want to deal with the extra lines at the connection points.
I have seen two similar questions in this website: Here and here
I have handled the normal cases by offsetting the Centerlines and then changing the start and end points of the lines.
but I haven't been able to deal with special cases when the points are near each other.
Unfortunately, my reputation is low I couldn't post images to explain this better.
I'm coding in Visual Basic .net and I'm writing for Autocad, but any advice will be very useful to me.
most problem cases are solved by translation vectors intersection check
if the translation vectors not intersect then it is most likely all OK but if they do then just do something like this:
cut off these points from outline
or create some singular point from these intersections
it is more tricky but can avoid some problem cases from bullet #1
Also sometimes help if there is bigger density of control points
Hope it helps a little...