I'm learning about automated iOS testing methods and right now I'm trying Frank. I've written small simple app and added Frank to it. The problem is - I can't get it to work at all. I've gone through the tutorials and various "Getting started" guides - everything seems to be OK, I've run
frank setup
Goes fine. All the folders and stuff are created
frank build
OK. "Frankified" build appears.
frank launch
It launches the simulator with the app open. But I can't do anything else.
frank inspect
Opens localhost:37265 with "could not connect" message. When I run
Starts the simulator, begin to run features, but the first one, device rotation gets PING FAILED!!! message:
Feature: As an iOS developer
I want to have a sample feature fileSo I can see what my next step is in the wonderful world of Frank/Cucumber testing
Scenario: # features/my_first.feature:6
Rotating the simulator for demonstration purposes
PING FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've checked and re-checked accessibility, re-installed Frank. Tried to add it to new, empty app - all the same. It can launch it, but it can't do anything else.
Using xcode 5, iOS7 and OS X 10.8.4
I can't find what I'm missing here
Looks like I found the solution (in more old tutorials). I don't know why official tutorial doesn't contain these steps, but it didn't work without them for me.
If you want to debug fankified app through xCode, you must go to "Manage schemes" and select proper executable for you frank target.
Than you can launch frankified app with tests just as usual one (Cmd+R) and see all the debug lines inside xCode console