Hy guys, I'm not so familiar with php-wordpress so any help is welcome. I managed to extract information from a sql OpenCart platform but now I need to import that information into WordPress. If anyone has any idea I would appreciate. The outpoted information looks like this:
This is the cathegory, subcategory, Model, product id, product name: Femei > Fuste||EPS094|51|Fusta din brocart|
This is the description: Fusta "baby-doll" din brocart, usor evazata, de culoare roz, din bumbac 100%. Are aplicata in partea de jos o dantela fina roz.
Lungime: 48 cm.
this is the generated link, price, image link and availability: |http://allboutique.ro/fusta-din-brocart.html?utm_source=testal3&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=direct_link|http://allboutique.ro/image/data/Femei/Untitled-3.jpg|79.99|RON||In stock|
This is just for one product, and i need to make a someking of php that can import this products to a category wordpress.
Thank you very much for assisting me! Cheers, Alex
If need i can post a link to the external file so that u can see the generated info
You can make an webservice of your php file and then you can ask the informations with jQuery and JavaScript on the client.
Some pseudo code:
echo 'Your informations, JSON format would be awesome!';
<p id="myobject">Loading...</p>
url: "the url to your php file",
context: document.body
}).done(function(r) {
Result should be something like this:
<p id="myobject">Your informations, JSON format would be awesome!</p>
As next step you can implement JSON to transfer your data simpler.