I'm new to Apache Camel and I'm trying to understand and use the Polling Consumer EIP in a simple project but I feel a little bit lost.. Could someone please help me with a little explanation or even with a little working example.
Any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance
for most use cases, you can create a consumer by just defining them in the from()
clause in a route...
from("activemq:inbox").to(new MyProcessor());
but, you can also write your own POJO polling consumer logic for more control over the consumer logic...simply initiate it periodically with a timer and call the receive()
method as follows:
from("timer://foo?period=5000").bean(MyBean, "processQueue");
public void processQueue() {
while (true) {
// receive the message from the queue, wait at most 3 sec
String msg = consumer.receiveBody("activemq:inbox", 3000, String.class);
if (msg == null) {
// no more messages in queue
// do something with body
see the docs for more details: http://camel.apache.org/polling-consumer