I'm trying to get the user profile picture from Facebook with django-social-auth.
I saw in an other post, that I should get the user uid from Facebook to have access to the profile picture. How can I get the uid?
From django-social-auth I just installed it and configured the basic stuff to login/logout with django-registrations.
This is my html to login: Login with FB
How can I do a request to a 'home' view to the user in facebook and get the uid?
I found this in the django-socail-auth docs:
def social_associate_and_load_data(backend, details, response, uid, user,
social_user=None, *args, **kwargs):
The combination of associate_user and load_extra_data functions
of django-social-auth. The reason for combining these two pipeline
functions is decreasing the number of database visits.
extra_data = backend.extra_data(user, uid, response, details)
created = False
if not social_user and user:
social_user, created = UserSocialAuth.objects.get_or_create(
defaults={'extra_data': extra_data})
if not created and extra_data and social_user.extra_data != extra_data:
return {'social_user': social_user}
Where should I put it in my django app? In views.py? If it yes, how can I activated the view, if I'm just logging in with commom social-auth urls.
Facebook uid
is stored in UserSocialAuth
instance, you can get it by doing