I am saving the text from Textarea. And the text is also stored with new line as well as:
text= "Line1\nLine2"
I am getting Data from Database in the above format. But how can I use the new line to show it on screen <label>@text</label>
Here is the JSFiddle link for my question: http://jsfiddle.net/rjha999/J8kRw/
I am fetching that data on server side in form like ::
var model = db.GetDossierHeadeRemarks.Select(remarks => new NotesViewModel {
But in my View page I am showing this form of data as::
<label class="RemarkContent">@item.Remark</label>
But the Result I am getting is as::
Use the @Html.Raw()
helper method.
<label class="RemarkContent">@Html.Raw(item.Remark)</label>